The Education and Scientific Research Committee of the Shura Council discusses with university presidents and directors of education departments the performance of the Ministry of Education.

28 شوال 1443هـ الموافق 29 مايو 2022م

The Education and Scientific Research Committee - one of the specialized committees - in the Shura Council held a meeting (via video communication) headed by the council member and head of the committee, Dr. Financial 1442/1443 AH.*At its meeting, the committee discussed the highlights of the report, reviewing the performance of the ministry and the difficulties and challenges it faces with regard to university education.*At the meeting table with university presidents, the committee discussed the universities’ independence, financially, administratively and academically, and the extent of their readiness for the third system in general when the Ministry of Education implements the three-semester system for universities next year, and the positives of this transformation, inquiring about the potential challenges that universities monitored when preparing for the transition. To the tripartite system, and proposed plans to meet those challenges.*During its meeting, the committee raised a number of questions and inquiries related to university education.